Inclinations (Trailer 2019) Cast and crew: Danielle Peers, Alice Sheppard (Disability Dance Works), Lisa Niedermeyer, Lindsay Eales , John Loeppky, Harmanie Taylor. Choreographed, directed and shot from disability perspectives, INCLINATIONS is a dance-on-film short contrasting the playful connections when disability aesthetics, disability community and a gorgeous ramp meet the institutional histories and discordant inclinations that can lurk just below the surface. For details and to see full and accessible versions of the film here Screen or buy film through Vtape. New Constellation: A Dance-umentary (Trailer, 2013 - Full Film at link below)
Film by: Justin DuVal, Lindsay Eales, Danielle Peers & Roxanne Ulanicki. Original music by: Ben Spencer. CRIPSiE Collective with iDANCE Through sensuous performance footage and intimate story-telling, a politicized group of widely diverse dancers share their experiences of (dis)ability, social justice, care-sharing, and the possibilities of art to unite communities of difference (36 min). Trailer embedded. Watch Full version of film on Vimeo at this link. |
G.I.M.P. Bootcamp
Film by: Danielle Peers & Melisa Brittain KingCrip Productions G.I.M.P. Boot Camp is a satirical exploration of how co-filmmaker Danielle Peers navigates between the social expectations of able-bodiedness and disability. Through a dramatic “CRIP Awards” ceremony, an infomercial-style guide to survival, and a touching testimonial from a recovering inspiration addict, G.I.M.P. Boot Camp uses humour to deconstruct stereotypes of disability. (8 min) Click here for more info... |
Film by: Danielle Peers & Lindsay Eales CRIPSiE A short dance-based video-art project by CRIPSiE artists Danielle Peers and Lindsay Eales that explores crip/queer identities, experiences and relationships. This was one of four movement-based vignettes collectively named inter-relationcrips, commissioned by Stage Left Productions as part of their 10th anniversary show Women's Work. Special thanks to Markus Alexander. (4 minutes) |
And the Rest is Drag
Film by: Danielle Peers, Melisa Brittain & Shani Mootoo KingCrip Productions And the Rest is Drag explores gender from the perspective of drag kings who consciously and politically queer their gender, both on and off stage. Using an eclectic mix of performance footage, still photography, and interviews with members of the Alberta Beef Drag King Troupe, the film draws audiences into the sexy, rebellious, and sometimes humorous world of drag kinging. And the Rest is Drag questions how different experiences of race, class, size, sexuality and ability inform our many-gendered identities, and invites viewers to do the same. (32 min) |
Bill 44: Smaller Classes, Smaller Minds
Film by: Danielle Peers, Melisa Brittain, T.L. Cowan & anon. KingCrip Productions A satirical film that explores how Alberta's controversial Bill 44 (requiring teachers to notify parents before introducing material relating to religion, sexuality or sexual orientation) can help teachers to reduce their class sizes. Mrs. Trixie Cane, spokesperson for the Coalition for the Reduction of Alberta Class Sizes (CRACS), shows teachers how to incorporate Queer material into every lesson plan. (5 min) |
Film by: Lindsay Eales & Danielle Peers CRIPSiE Collective with iDANCE This short dance on film features the poetry and dancing of iDANCE's community class members of spring 2013. It explores the freedom, joy and community that springtime brings. |
Pieces of Us
Film by: Danielle Peers & Lindsay Eales Featuring: idance Edmonton CRIPSiE Collective with iDANCE This short dance-on film is a celebration of the joys of dance, and the connections within this particular dance community. The video features movements and sounds created and recorded by the iDANCE Edmonton community class of 2012. The film was made by CRIPSiE members, and shown at the iDANCE year-end show. (4 min) Unfurl
Film by: Danielle Peers & Lindsay Eales Featuring: Solidance Inclusive Recreation Society CRIPSiE Collective with Solidance This short collaborative dance-on film that explores surveillance, and dance as both contagious and rebellious (4 min). |
Crip Tease: An Evening of Irreverent Art!
October 18th, 2012 Arts-Based Research Studio, University of Alberta Curated by CRIPSiE Crip Tease refuses normalization, medicalization and pity. It re-imagines our political and artistic relationships to the bodies, identities, stories, practices and communities of (dis)ability. The show brought together the art of sixteen artists across North America and Europe who work in media as diverse as scultupre, performance, photography, painting and video art. Crip Tease Revisited June 20 - July 2, 2013 Churchill Square, Edmonton The Works Art & Design Festival, Curated by CRIPSiE Featuring visual art by Cindy Baker and Shannon Rusnak and a dance performance by CRIPSiE. |
Communicating Otherwise
May 11 & 12, 2012 CEREV Gallery, Concordia University Curated by Trudeau Scholars: Karina Bennesaiah, Alana Gerecke, Danielle Peers, Lara Rosenoff & Leila Qashu A two day gallery show and workshop exploring creative, affective, and alternative forms of research creation, expression and translation. |
Performance Art & Dance
ChoreographyIntimacies (2015). Seven-minute crip dance duet choreographed by Danielle Peers and Lindsay Eales. Invited to perform 6 times.
Disintegrated Dance (2014). 20-minute dance and theatre created and performed by Danielle Peers, Lindsay Eales, Kelsie Acton & Brooke Leifso. Funded by Edmonton Arts Council. Inter-relationcrips (2013). 4 dance and video pieces by Danielle Peers and Lindsay Eales. Commissioned by Stage Left Productions. Peformed for Stage Left Production's show Women's Work Collaboratively Created Movement Scores#Iamchair: A 60-minute performative intervention at Hemispheric Institute's Encuentro in Montreal, QC (2014). Created with the Performing Disability Working Group.
Wind: An exploration of movement and breath (Peers, Eales & Alexander, 2013) Improvising Spaces (Gerecke, Eales & Peers, 2012) Professional Dance and Performance ExperienceHired to dance in eleven projects including by choreographers Lindsay Eales, Alice Sheppard, and Ainsley Hillyard (Good Women Dance Collective) over last 8 years. See excerpts from some of Danielle's performance work at:
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